Crystal costume jewelry in kit or ready-to-wear
Assembly instructions

Tutorial : Notice pendant Mauri Khaki & Grey

The all Swarovski pendant of the Mauri Kaki & Grey set
An original pendant, with an oblong shape, made only of Swarovski crystal beads, grey pearly beads or spinning tops of different sizes in khaki tones and silver beads.
The pendant is to be worn on a silver torque, a ribbon, or of course on his necklace Mauri Kaki & Gray all matched.
Dimensions: 40x26 mm.
Detailed instructions on 3 pages.

Price : 3.00 €       Weight (packed) : 10 g

disponibilité ; Difficulty of assembly:montage assez facilemontage assez facilemontage assez facilemontage assez facilemontage assez facile

Assortment with other item(s) :